Have you ever despaired over crispy ivy? Or wondered what it takes to get a cactus to bloom?
House plants can seem like a mystery if you don't know how to care for them.
With information now at your fingertips, it's easy to find out about your plant, discover what it needs, and get the most out of it. I promise you'll be rewarded with a healthy, thriving houseplant that's a source of pride and joy for years to come.
Desert-dwellers store water in their fleshy leaves, making them drought-tolerant and easy to grow in a warm, dry environment.
Their unusual and varied colors and textures make them beautiful accents. Display a few together to show off their dramatic shapes.
Echeveria, Tiger's Jaw and String of Pearls (shown here) offer a variety that make excellent indoor plants. Place them in bright light and they'll feel right at home.
Succulents are growing in popularity as indoor plants...it's easy to see why.
Put them on a pedestal. Indoor plantstands are a simple solution for displaying several small plants together. With a multi-level stand, you can easily transform a jungle into an eye-catching arrangement.
Hang 'em high. Pot them up in indoor plant hangers and they'll be at eye level for all to admire.
Drive them up a wall. Vertical gardens are perhaps the newest trend in indoor gardening. Check out these planters that make hanging them a breeze.
After the tinsel has been taken down and the tree kicked to the curb, you can bring a fresh, new splash of color to your home.
Florist shops are already bursting with blooming plants, such as hot-pink azaleas, snowy white kalanchoe and deep-blue African violets.
Winter-flowering cyclamen only blooms for a season, but its gorgeous red, pink or lavender up-swept petals are so spectacular, it's worth it.
Want more inspiration? You'll find more winter flowering plants here.
Take cover. Keep in mind that these tender plants are cultivated in greenhouses, where they enjoy constant warm temperatures. Even a short blast of frigid air can cause their buds to drop. Cover them in plastic for the ride home to prevent sudden exposure to cold drafts.
Did you know that office plants are good for you?
Okay, they won't bring your coffee, but they will boost your mood and create an instant garden ambiance right there on your desk.
Check these out. It's never been easier to find a few good candidates to share your office space.
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"This is the BEST website I have come across. Thank you for all the help and information!" Julie, US |
"It's fun to browse around, learn about different plants, and think, 'Oh, I've gotta try that one!' You've turned my interest into a passion." Jenn, US |
Guide-to-Houseplants.com is all about getting to know your indoor plants so you can bring out their best.
My hope is that it will give you an easy-to-use resource -- a place to turn when you need quick solutions, helpful how-tos, and maybe inspiration to grow something new.
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